
This post is going to be 3 part and contain much more than 1 picture, but that's ok because I want to remember it all!

First, I need to post this picture of poor Bennett enduring his sister's dance class. This is what he does, plays the iPad, or on other days his trucks and he ALWAYS runs around in the vacant studio! He's a trooper!

Now I need to catch up with The Joy of Love, this is day 9, hobbies or passions.  And forgive me because I'm going a bit out of order.  The girls love to dance, they love going to class and love showing me their moves daily.  Bianca happened to be the star of the week today and she did such a great job leading her class with her dance steps. 

And now back to Day 8 for The Joy of Love, a gift of love.  Annika showed up with this wonderfully amazing card for Brian and myself today.  It truly is a gift of love, handcrafted from my kindergartner.  I love it!

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